Vi har glädjen att presentera originalupplagan av Lucy Dawsons ”DOGS AS I SEE THEM” från 1936. Så här presenterades boken när nytrycket från 2015 kom ut i handeln: (Behöver vi påpeka att även denna upplaga är slutsåld sedan länge i Sverige)
A BELOVED CLASSIC FOR DOG LOVERS OF ALL AGES With a new foreword by Ann Patchett
In the 1930s, Lucy Dawson’s friendly, sympathetic portraits of dogs were so popular with readers of American and British magazines that she agreed to gather them together in a book, Dogs As I See Them.
Now available once again after being out of print for decades, and a complete replication the original 1936 edition, Dogs As I See Them includes all of Dawson’s irresistible graphite and pastel drawings and handwritten notes. Along with her illustrations are her own amusing stories about the conduct of each of her subjects as they posed for her. Her charming reminiscences interpret the character and mood of each dog, and make us friends at once with each and every one in this gallery of endearing portraits. Dogs As I See Them is a remarkable collection dog lovers of all generations will take to their hearts.
Bredd 25 cm Höjd 30 cm Något solblekt rygg ca 70 sidor (opaginerad)
Högra övre hörn bortklippt
Gåvodedikationer på engelska
Diana (frontispiece)
BILLY Of aristocratic breed, Billy was quite young when the sketch was made – wery beautiful by nature and beautiful to look at. Most intelligent and definitely a ”one-man dog.” He suffers fools gladly but he’s very difficult to get to know.
POEMS [published in 1817]
Dedication. To Leigh Hunt, Esq.
“I stood tip-te upon a little hill"
Specimen of an Induction to a Poem
Calidone. A Fragment
To Some Ladies
On receiving a curious Shell, and a Copy of Verses,
from the same Ladies
To • * * * [Georgiana Augusta Wylie, afterwards
Mrs. George Keats]: To Hope
Imitation of Spenser –
“Woman! when I behold thee flippant, vain"
To George Felton Mathew
To my Brother George.
To Charles Cowden Clarke
i. To my Brother George
ii. To * ***** [“Had I a man's fair form"]
iii. Written on the day that Mr. Leigh Hunt left Prison
iv. “How many bards gild the lapses of time!"
v. To a Triend who sent me some Roses
vi. To G. A. W. [Georgiana Augusta Wylie]
vii. “O Solitude ! if I must with thee dwell".
viii. To my Brothers.
ix. "Keen, fitful gusts are whisp'ring here and there"
x. “To one who has been long in city pent".
xi. On first looking into Chapman's Homer.
xii. On leaving some Friends at an early Hour.
xiii. Addressed to Haydon.
xiv. Addressed to the same.
xv. On the Grasshopper and Cricket.
xvi. To Kosciusko
xvii. "Happy is England!"
Sleep and Poetry
Preface by Keats
Book I.
Book II.
Book III
Book IV
LAMIA, ISABELLA, &c. [published in 1820]
Lamia. Part I
Lamia. Part II
Isabella; or the Pot of Basil. A Story from Boccaccio
The Eve of St. Agnes
Ode to a Nightingale
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Ode to Psyche
Ode ("Bards of Passion and of Mirth”]
Lines on the Mermaid Tavern
Robin Hood. To a Friend
To Autumn.
Ode on Melancholy
Hyperion. Book I
Hyperion. Book II
Hyperion. Book III
On Death Women,
Wine, and Snuff
Fill for me a brimming bowl.
Sonnet on Peace
Sonnet to Byron
Sonnet to Chatterton
Sonnet to Spenser
Ode to Apollo
Sonnet to a Young Lady who sent me a Laurel Crown
On receiving a Laurel Crown from Leigh Hunt
To the Ladies who saw me Crown'd
Hymn to Apollo
Sonnet ["As from the darkening gloom"]
Stanzas to Miss Wylie ..
Sommet [Oh how I love, on a fair summer's eve”]
Sonnet [“Before he went to feed with owls and bats”]
Sonnet written in Disgust of Vulgar Superstition
Sonnet [ “After dark vapors have oppress'd our plaines”]
Sonnet written at the end of "The Floure and the Lefe”
Sonnet to Haydon, with the following
Sonnet on seeing the Elgin Marbles ma
Sonnet on a Picture of Leander
To — [“Think not of it, sweet one, so; -"]
Lines – [Unfelt, unheard, unseen,"]
Sonnet on the Sea
Sonnet on Leigh Hunt's Poem The Story of Rimini"
On Osford: a Parody
The Poet: a Fragment
Modern Love
Fragments of The Castle Builder
A Song of Opposites ["Welcome joy, and welcome Sorrow,"]
Sonnet to a Cat
Lines on seeing a Lock of Milton's Hair
Sonnet on sitting down to read King Lear once again.
Sonnet ("When I have fears that I may cease to be"].
Sharing Eve's Apple
A Draught of Sunshine ["Hence Burgundy, Claret, and Port,"]
Sonnet to the Nile
Sonnet to a Lady seen fora few moments at Vauxhall
Sonnet - Blue! "Tis the life of heaven,"]
Sonnet to John Hamilton Reynolds
What the Thrush said: Lines from a Letter to John Hamilton Reynolds.
Sonnet-The Human Seasons
Extracts from an Opera
“O! were I one of the Olympian twelve,".
Daisy's Song
Folly's Song.
“Oh, I am frighten’d with most hateful thoughts!".
Song [The stranger lighted from his steed"]
“Asleep! O sleep a little while, white pearl!"
Faery Song ["Shed no tear - 0 shed no tear!"]
Faery Song ["Ah! woe is me! poor silver-wing !"]
Sonnet to Homer
Song [“Spirit here that reignest!"]
Teignmouth: "Some Doggerel," sent in a Letter to B. R. Haydon
The Devon Maid: Stanzas sent in a Letter to B. R. Haydon
Epistle to John Hamilton Reynolds
Dawlish Fair
Fragment of an Ode to Maia, written on May Day,1818
Acrostic: Georgiana Augusta Keats
Sonnet on Visiting the Tomb of Burns.
Meg Merrilies
A Song about myself
A Galloway Song
Sonnet to Ailsa Rock
Sonnet written in the Cottage where Burns was born
Lines written in the Highlands after a Visit to Burns's Country
The Gadfly
Sonnet on hearing the Bag-pipe and seeing "The Stranger" played at Inverary
Sonnet written upon the Top of Ben Nevis
Ben Nevis: a Dialogue
Translation from a Sonnet of Ronsard.
A Prophecy: to George Keats in America
Stanzas ["In a drear-nighted December"]
Spenserian Stanza written at the Close of Canto II, Book v, of
"The Faerie Queene". The Eve of Saint Mark
Ode to Fanny
Sonnet to Sleep
Song ["Hush, hush! tread softly!")
Song "I had a dove").
Ode on Indolence
Sonnet ("Why did I laugh to-night?")
Sonnet: a Dream, after reading Dante's Episode of Paulo and Francesca
An Extempore from a Letter to George Keats and his Wife
Spenserian Stanzas on Charles Armitage Brown
Two or Three: from a Letter to his Sister
La Belle Dame sans Merci.
Song of Four Faeries
Two Sonnets on Fame
Sonnet on the Sonnet
Apollo and the Graces
”You say you love"
Otho the great: a Tragedy, in Five Acts
Act I
Act II
Act IV
Act V
King Stephen; a Fragment of a Tragedy
A Party of Lovers
Sonnet ["'The day is gone"]
Lines to Fanny
Sonnet to Fanny
The Fall of Hyperion: a Dream.
The Cap and Bells, or The Jealousies
Lines supposed to have been addressed to Fanny Brawne.
Sonnet written on a blank page in Shakespeare's Poems [“Bright star").
PORTRAIT OF KEATS: From a drawing by Joseph Severn Frontispiece
HAYDON'S LIFE-MASK OF KEATS placed in the position of Severn's drawing
Kocken & jägaren : så jagar och lagar du älg, vildsvin, rådjur, dovhjort, hare och fågel – Inbunden, Svenska, 2021
Författare: Mikael Einarsson, Hubbe Lemon
Ur Adlibris bokpresentation
När Mikael Einarsson arbetade som kock på Skebo herrgård i Roslagen blev han god vän med brukets jägare Hubbe Lemon. Med hjälp av sina långa erfarenheter från både krog och skog har de nu skrivit en bok ihop. Kocken & jägaren kombinerar klassisk viltmatlagning med gedigna jaktkunskaper och handfasta tips. Du får lära dig hur du jagar och lagar älg, dovhjort, rådjur, vildsvin, hare, ripa, and och duva men också hur du använder fler delar på djuret, vilka detaljer som är godast att äta färska och vilka du ska frysa in.
Boken är också proppfull med klassiska kockkunskaper som hur du binder upp en stek, plockar blodduva och hur du kokar god viltfond att alltid ha i frysen. De lagar gräddiga wallenbergare på viltfärs till familjen, gör egen viltkorv att äta med en kopp buljong på passet och bjuder jaktlaget på världens godaste älgkåldolmar tillagade över öppen eld